The foundational mindsets and philosophies for managing time appropriately outside of a 9 to-5 job include valuing time management as a skill, understanding that time is a non-renewable resource, and appreciating that our time is our own to do with as we like. It's about us telling ourselves the story that we're good at time management and using our time intentionally and effectively on the things that we want to use it at, instead of falling into the default of turning on the TV or going on our phones and habitually picking Tik Tok or Instagram or YouTube and just sort of scrolling and watching the videos.
Warren Buffett's advice on focusing energy and prioritization is to write down the 25 things you want to achieve, choose the top five and then avoid the bottom 20. This helps in focusing on the things that truly matter to us and not getting derailed by our priorities. It's about knowing what you want to say no to so that you have the time, energy and focus to truly say yes to the things that really matter.
The recommendation is to pause the video, think about what you would like to celebrate in terms of work, health, and relationships 12 months from now, and write it down somewhere you can see it regularly.
The bell serves as a reminder to focus on the present moment and assess the intentionality of the past 15 minutes. The goal is to strive for 100% intentionality with every 15-minute block of time in one's calendar and life.