George Hotz | Programming | Hack The Box | ctf practice for skill (should tomcr00se return?) - george hotz archive

What is the name of the video transcript's speaker?


What is the opinion of the speaker about the CYBERTRUCK?

The speaker doesn't provide a clear opinion about the CYBERTRUCK, but many viewers ask for George's thoughts on it.

What is the name of the person who subscribed to the channel for 13 months?


What is the name of the person who asked how to not get banned?


What is the name of the person who asked if the speaker has solved advent ctf's Easter egg?


What is the name of the person who asked about the size of the speaker's warehouse?


What is the name of the person who asked if the speaker has been to Defcon?


What is the purpose of Hack The Box?

Hack The Box is a platform for penetration testing and ethical hacking. It provides a series of virtual machines that can be hacked to improve cybersecurity skills.

How can one access retired machines on Hack The Box?

To access retired machines on Hack The Box, click on 'Machines', 'All', and then 'Retired machines'. Scroll down to find the retired machines that are available for free.

What is the recommended way to connect to Hack The Box machines?

It is recommended to connect to Hack The Box machines using a virtual machine like Kali Linux with default Kali programs. This is similar to the OSCP exam.

What is SSH and how is it used?

SSH is a way to connect to a computer remotely and type commands. It is used to connect to a remote machine for hacking purposes.

What is the purpose of the OSCP exam?

The OSCP exam is an ethical hacking exam that tests a person's ability to hack into a system and find vulnerabilities. It is often used as a prerequisite for hiring in the cybersecurity field.

What is the purpose of the book 'Seeing Like a State'?

The book 'Seeing Like a State' by James C. Scott is about how states try to make society more legible and predictable, often with unintended consequences. It is recommended by George Hotz for its insights into the nature of the state and its relationship with society.

What is the purpose of the rants during George Hotz's streams?

The rants during George Hotz's streams are a way for him to express his thoughts and opinions on various topics related to technology, cybersecurity, and society. They are often humorous and controversial, and are a popular feature of his streams.

What is the medical injection that costs $3k every 3 weeks?

Her medical injection

What did cogforkd ask George about to generate an anki card?

How to be GREAT at thinkingat programming

What did vloood say about getting fired?

He got fired but it was the most liberating feeling

What did TheKoreanZombi say about learning to code?

To look at the internet for a sea of information

What did LemonishDragon keep saying in the chat?


What did Xingjuice say about forkdbloke?

He's been spamming for 10 minutes

What did TheKoreanZombi say about what he will learn?

He will learn CSS and stick it to the man

Have you ever used PSVR?

Yes, I have a PSVR.

What do you think about the Oculus Go?

It doesn't need a PC, but you can't play as many games on it.

What is your opinion on the Valve Index?

It's good, but it's not available for me right now. I'm planning to get a Rift S for now.

Is the Vive Pro useful without a PC?

No, it's not useful without a PC right now.

What do you think about the cancer warning on VR products?

It's a stupid law in California that requires the warning on everything, even if the product itself doesn't contain any harmful chemicals.

What is your opinion on the current state of AI companies?

AI companies are in the early stages, similar to when apps were first starting to be made for phones or when everyone was trying to make the best website for the net.

What do you do in your free time?

I spent my free time playing LOL and working on my YouTube channel.

What is the opinion of the group about new dating apps?

The group has mixed opinions about new dating apps, with some finding them helpful and others not.

Is George on the RAYA dating app?

It is not clear if George is on the RAYA dating app, as some members of the group are discussing ways to get on the app.

What are people's thoughts on JavaScript?

There are various opinions about the future of JavaScript, with some people expressing excitement and others offering caution.

What are people's thoughts on George's personality and chances of finding a date?

Some people find George to be opinionated and brilliant, but also challenging to date due to his strong personality.

What are people's thoughts on bug bounty programs and hacking?

There is interest in bug bounty programs and hacking, with some people sharing their experiences and offering advice.

What are people's thoughts on George's streaming content?

People have various opinions about George's streaming content, with some enjoying it and others finding it less interesting.

What are people's thoughts on tracking apps for children?

There are mixed opinions about tracking apps for children, with some people finding them helpful and others expressing concerns about privacy.

What type of keyboard does Crazymath21 suggest for coding?

Linear, Tactile or Clicky?

What is the name of the github repo that coProof is asking for?

A pure python..

How long did Georgehotz go to CMU?

Short answer: He didn't learn to do that in college

What is the opinion of sirvapealots about Bill Gates whining about losing 100 billion?


What does dontbeameme say about Bill Gates not paying taxes?

He doesn't pay taxes 4Head LUL

What is the opinion of sirvapealots about corporate welfare?


What does MuscleMario say about CritterVision?

CritterVision is not for zoomers, I hang out with old ppl and watch someones backyard. Live nature stream

What is Nubadoxd's HTB profile name?

Nubadoxd didn't reveal his HTB profile name in the conversation.

Does rapid clicking improve reading speed?

Rapid clicking can improve reading speed by 78%, according to minichota.

What did N3Cubed_Gamer present in his ethical hacking class?

N3Cubed_Gamer presented on how to hack WEP in his ethical hacking class.

What is cammbamm92's opinion on watching cam girls work?

Cammbamm92 doesn't consider watching cam girls work as productive.

What is the recommended tool for cracking hashes?

Hashcat is the recommended tool for cracking hashes, according to janne808.

What is the most common wordlist for bruteforcing passwords?

Rockyou.txt is the most common wordlist for bruteforcing passwords, according to Santiago_LHC.

What is George's opinion on starting a security company?

George hasn't expressed his opinion on starting a security company in the conversation.

What is the difference between ABI maverick_twitch_'s banned guy looking at the FAQ and mutrx's suggestion of writing a trading bot on BitMEX?

ABI maverick_twitch_'s banned guy looking at the FAQ refers to seeking answers from the provided documentation, while mutrx's suggestion of writing a trading bot on BitMEX involves creating a program to automate trading on the BitMEX platform.

What does maverick_twitch_ mean by 'its not Santiago_LHC'?

Maverick_twitch_ is correcting himself, as he had mistakenly referred to Santiago_LHC as 'Santiago' in the previous statement.

What does maverick_twitch_ mean by 'hacking = programming'?

Maverick_twitch_ is expressing the idea that hacking is a form of programming, often involving creative problem-solving and manipulation of systems.

What is the name of Santiago_LHC's band?

Ethereum Hacking

What does ChOkO08_ mean by 'CTG'?

ChOkO08_ is likely asking about 'CTF' (Capture The Flag), a type of cybersecurity competition.

What does maverick_twitch_ mean by 'use an AI to hack'?

Maverick_twitch_ is suggesting the use of artificial intelligence to automate and enhance hacking techniques, potentially for cybersecurity research or training purposes.

What does clapsnowman881 mean by 'crypto about winning the future of banking'?

Clapsnowman881 is referring to the potential impact of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology on the future of banking and financial systems.

What browser is recommended for debugging and IO operations?

Chromium-based browsers like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge are suitable for debugging and IO operations.

What browser does Snowden use?

The specific browser that Snowden uses is not publicly known.

What are the opinions on using Vimium in the browser?

Vimium, a Chrome extension that provides Vim-like keybindings, is generally appreciated for its utility.

What are people's thoughts on using DuckDuckGo as a search engine?

Some users prefer DuckDuckGo for its focus on privacy, while others find it less effective than Google.

What is the opinion on the subreddit r/WPD?

The opinion on the r/WPD subreddit varies, but some users appreciate the community and content.

What are the thoughts on decentralized payment applications?

Some users are interested in decentralized payment applications for their potential to disrupt traditional financial systems.

What is the opinion on the YouTube algorithm and recommendation engines?

User opinions on the YouTube algorithm and recommendation engines vary, with some preferring the older engines that were less influenced by user history.