高效練耳朵英語聽力(中高級篇・不帶中文音頻)- 提高您的英語聽力技能 - Kendra's Language School

What might not have happened if he had taken his doctor's advice?

He might not have died

What material can cut glass?


What happened due to Chris not paying back his money?

It adds up to a large sum

What did the speaker have to do due to lack of time between meetings?

He couldn't have lunch

What was the lecture given by the scientists about?

The structure of the universe

Why is the speaker less likely to answer difficult questions?

The more difficult the questions are, the less likely the speaker is able to answer them.

Why did Robert turn down the invitation to play golf?

Robert was so busy that he had to turn down the invitation to play golf.

Why is it easy to lose track of time in Las Vegas?

It's easy to lose track of time when you are in Las Vegas.

What would Susan have done to make a living?

Susan, who was only 12 years old, knew how to make a living.

What is the warning given to people boarding the train at underground stations?

Mind the gap

What was the condition of Kathy's hair when she got home due to the rain?

Kathy's long hair was completely wet

What is the trend among students in recent years?

The number of students going abroad to study is increasing each year

What is the opinion of the speaker about the English used in the composition?

The English used in the composition is too good to have been written by the person claimed

What holiday is celebrated internationally for workers?

May Day

What did Mike and the speaker have this afternoon?

A hamburger

What is required for life according to the speaker?

Air and water

What did she feel like eating because of the heat?

Ice cream

Why did the speaker take certain things for granted?

The speaker took certain things for granted because they assumed that the listener already knew or understood them.

Why are some people hesitant to like rock music at first?

Some people may be hesitant to like rock music at first because it is different from what they are used to or because they have certain preconceived notions about the genre.

Why should certain medicines not be placed within the reach of children?

Certain medicines can be harmful if ingested by children, so they should be kept out of their reach to prevent accidental poisoning.

Why is it hard to drive on bumpy roads?

It is hard to drive on bumpy roads because the uneven surface can make it difficult to control the vehicle and can cause discomfort for the passengers.

What happened the first time the speaker tried to pass the driver's test?

The speaker did not pass the driver's test the first time they tried.

Where did the speaker often visit when they lived in London?

The speaker often visited the museum when they lived in London.

What was the speaker's experience in Africa?

The speaker's year in Africa was a very educational experience in many ways.

What should someone visiting Italy make sure to see?

Someone visiting Italy should make sure to see Naples.

Why has money been considered one of the greatest inventions of man?

Money has been considered one of the greatest inventions of man because it allows for easy exchange of goods and services, and facilitates trade and commerce.

Why is Canada a good place to go if it's your first experience living abroad?

Canada is a good place to go if it's your first experience living abroad because of its welcoming culture, high standard of living, and wide use of the English language.

What are the consequences of not speaking English in some countries?

If you don't speak English, you are much less likely to get a good position in certain countries, as English is widely used in international business and communication.

What are some of the benefits of painting?

The first virtue of painting is to be a feast for the eyes, providing visual pleasure and stimulation.

What is required to make the grade in life?

Hard work and success

What is the speaker's opinion about the movie?

It's dreadful

What will the speaker do regardless of results?

Carry out his plan

How did Joan become a great actress despite her childhood?

In spite of having a difficult childhood

What has caused his fatigue and lack of sleep?

Fatigue and lack of sleep

What caused the game to be called off?

Heavy rain

What does the speaker want to avoid for the other person?

A small inconvenience

What is our company looking for in a candidate?

Someone who is at home in advanced technology

Where did the speaker spend the major part of their holidays?

In the country

Whose side does the husband take in family arguments?

His mother's side

What is the speaker afraid of regarding the rain?

That it won't let up for a while

What is the dog trained to do?

Save people in the mountains

What did the speaker choose due to the absence of a better idea?

A particular method

What do you have to do to be an interesting person?

Feed and exercise your mind

What is the influence of the strong dollar on the US economy?

It has become very serious

What was the speaker's situation when they got to the station?

The train was just on the point of starting

What does the speaker request if the listener hears from Jenny?

To tell her that the speaker would like to see her

What rule does Paul make for his appointments?

Not to be late

What is common in the UK during this time of the year?

Much rain

What difference does it make whether the listener goes today or tomorrow?


Why are the other girls jealous of Lily?

Because she is extremely pretty

What does the jockey do before the horse race begins?

Reins tightly to restrain the inpatient horses

What happened to all hope of the speaker's promotion?

It went up in smoke after the reorganization plan fell through

Why does the lawyer have a large number of clients?

Because of his great professional skill

What has Smith spent years studying?

The effects of sleep and sleep loss on memory and learning

What is the speaker wondering about?

When the listener's new PC will arrive

What does the listener have to be to run a mile in such a short time?

A good athlete

What do most of us go through in a foreign country?

Culture shock

What is true about the learned man?

He lacks common sense

What did the speaker find interesting as they studied computers?

The more they studied, the more interesting they found it

What difficulty did the speaker have in Australia?

Trouble speaking English

What cannot be expressed in the form of words?

There are things in this world which simply cannot be expressed in the form of words

What does the speaker still have to do even if the listener is right?

Persuade him

What is Brian doing in his pajamas in the house in the morning?

Engaged in reading

What does the speaker not want to do but suggests trying?

Catch the next bus

How can one relieve tension and stress in their shoulders?

By stopping and relaxing, it will relieve the tension and stress in your shoulders.

What is the story that the speaker heard when they were a child?

The story the speaker heard when they were a child is about a hardworking student named John.

What is the world divided into?

The world is divided into people who get things done and people who get the credit.

What can be seen by the public only once a year?

This national treasure can be seen by the public only once a year.