Elon Musk
Elon Musk is concerned that Microsoft's investment in Open AI has turned it into a subsidiary and is creating a monopoly in the AI field, stifling innovation.
Annabelle believes that it is problematic when big companies control revolutionary technology like AI, as they may pull the ladder up behind them, preventing smaller contenders from climbing. However, she also acknowledges that there are concerns about Elon Musk's motivations, as he is the world's richest man and is complaining about profit-making over benefit to humanity.
The UK government is trying to regulate AI with greater urgency due to the lessons learned from the hands-off approach to social media regulation. However, it is not clear if it will succeed, as the technology is moving faster than the government's ability to regulate it.
The concern is that foreign powers like Russia are now able to create bots and personas on social media using AI in a more efficient and dangerous way than before. This could be used to spread disinformation and discredit certain candidates in an election. There is a need for a crisis response and for companies and governments to work together to address this issue.