20170726 Laracon US 2017 Day 2 Justin Jackson - StreamACon Streaming Conferences

What was the first moment when the speaker realized they loved making things with computers?

The first moment was when the speaker could get the computer to print something on the screen, finding it magical.

What did the speaker do when they couldn't understand programming despite trying tutorials and having every chance to learn?

The speaker started making things with computers using menus in ANZI art for bulletin boards, HyperCard, Macromedia Authorware, and Microsoft Access.

What is the speaker's advice for software developers who want to learn marketing?

The speaker encourages learning marketing, as it makes developers 'unstoppable' and gives them an edge in their careers.

What is the downside of always providing developers with specs and not involving them in the decision-making process?

It can be damaging for the product overall as it hides the 'why' behind what's being built and doesn't allow developers to utilize their creative problem-solving skills.

What is the importance of understanding the struggle and the dream of a better life in product development?

Understanding the struggle and the dream of a better life helps in creating a product that solves a problem and appeals to the target audience. It ensures that the product aligns with the users' goals and addresses their pain points.

What is the significance of creating a minimum viable product (MVP) in product development?

Creating an MVP allows for faster iterations, validating assumptions, and gathering user feedback. It helps in reducing risks and ensuring that the final product meets the users' needs and expectations.

Where can one find both reddit subreddits and forums?

The speaker suggests starting with reddit subreddits and forums to find both groups in the same place.

What is the benefit of having different landing pages for different ideas?

The speaker mentions that having different landing pages for different ideas allows for testing and seeing if both get equal traction.

What is one way to get traffic to a landing page?

The speaker suggests hustling at events, shaking hands, and collecting names and contact information as a way to get traffic to a landing page.