How to be a writer
Nicholas Cole is a multi-millionaire online writer who has wrapped up hundreds of millions of views, been the number one writer on Quora, and been paid tens of thousands of dollars as a speech writer and ghost writer. He has built his online writing business Shi 30 for 30 to millions of dollars in Revenue.
Legacy writing relies on Gatekeepers such as Publishers and editors to approve one to be a professional writer, and it is hard to make money without a traditional publishing deal. Online writing, on the other hand, is about publishing where the readers already are, such as social media platforms, and it is easier to generate money and build a personal brand and audience through it.
Feedback is the key to starting and sustaining and monetizing the online writing journey. It allows writers to see what's working and what's not, and to constantly iterate on what they put out there. It also helps build the online personal brand and audience as people watch the writer practice in public.
The first step is to generate lots of ideas and publish consistently, also known as the forest of ideas.
Shopify is a resource for writers who want to sell a product or start a business around their writing. It provides tools for creating an online business and selling products or services.
The three specific ways of making money from online writing are the advertising model (also known as the attention model), the pay wall or exclusivity model, and creating and selling products or services.
The 'crazy power' of online writing and product creation is the ability to earn $1,000 in just 16 days.
Being paid for time means being compensated for the number of hours worked, while being paid for the outcome means being compensated for the results or impact of the work.
The services model of online writing involves offering writing as a service to businesses or individuals who are willing to pay for that service, such as content writers, ghost writers, and speech writers.
Copywriting is writing that is designed to sell a product. It can be more lucrative than other forms of writing because copywriters can potentially earn a percentage of the revenue generated by the product.
Successful sales copywriters often structure their deals so that they are compensated based on the outcome they drive, such as a percentage of the revenue generated by the product or funnel.