The Internet is starting to Break - Here's Why. - Mrwhosetheboss

What pattern do big tech companies follow according to Corey Quinn's term 'ifification'?

Corey Quinn's term 'ifification' refers to the pattern followed by big tech companies where they first go above and beyond for their users by solving a key problem, then shift their focus to controlling the other side (suppliers), and finally take all the surplus for themselves once they have established monopoly power.

How does Uber use tiering to offer premium services?

Uber uses tiering to offer premium services by splitting the base service into multiple tiers at different price points. However, this practice often results in making the experience worse for users who don't pay for the premium services, as they get extremely long wait times and are segregated from the higher-paying users.

What is a dark pattern that Amazon uses in its delivery options?

Amazon pre-selects the slower delivery option, even when a monthly subscription for unlimited next day delivery has been paid.

What is the key problem that Amazon first solved for its users?

Amazon solved the problem of unreliable delivery infrastructure by ensuring that when they say next day, it really does mean that it will come next day.