The best advice for building an audience from scratch is to focus on attracting the right types of people to your content, rather than just chasing the numbers. This is because the content you put out is who you're going to attract. It's hard to resist the temptation to chase the numbers, but ignoring them at the beginning and focusing on quality over quantity can give you a competitive advantage. Additionally, it's important to remember that attracting the right customer is worth more than attracting a large number of random customers.
The best product to push out to the world is you. By taking your desires, interests, tastes, and opinions and packaging and productizing them properly, you can create a unique product that no one else can compete with. This is because no one can match your taste palette, set of experiences, stories, or delivery style. By unleashing your inner nerd and focusing on the things that you are most passionate about, you can attract your tribe and find success in the content game.
LeBron James wants to buy the loser franchise for his hometown and help turn them around.
If people are still listening, it means they find the content insightful, entertaining, and useful, regardless of the length.